Just moved to Jekyll

Static Website Generators

After using the static website generator webgen I started to appreciate the idea not to depend on special hosts with php, mysql and so on enabled. You can put all files on a CD and it will works nevertheless. Like in the good old days, when there was only the notepad and the Netscape Navigator.

My last blog was powered by Movable Type. A really good, full-featured engine, but editing in the ajax backend was damn slow, because I hosted Movable Type myself via a dynamic dns service. And at home the provided upload rate is not good enough to host a page serious. I don’t want to pay for websites. There is so much static webspace in the www. So I switched over to the ruby1 driven Jekyll and got in addtion the hosting for free on http://github.com.

Building The Blog

I started with a copy of http://github.com/schacon/schacon.github.com. At this point a big “Horay!” to schacon and open source, that made a quick start possible.

While editing the files I found some usefull tricks you, you maybe googled for.

CSS selector for elements without class attribute

I wanted a template which allows to use nice CSS formatted <code> and <pre> tags for source code, but on the other hand I didn’t want to change the style of included code snippets from http://pastie.org or http://refactormycode.com.

So I found out how to change only these html tags in the source code, which doesn’t have an class attribute, because that is exactly the difference between these pastie-snippets and my own pre-elements.

The solution is to use the negation pseudo-class selector.

pre, code {
  font-family:Consolas,"Andale Mono","Courier New",Courier,mono !important;
  font-weight: 400;

*:not(PRE) > code {
  background-color: #333;
  color: #fff;

pre:not([class]) {
  background-color: #333;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  color: #fff;
  margin: 1em 0;
  overflow: auto;
  padding: 0.5em;

First I define some basic font styles for all kind of code. After that I define styles for the code, which isn’t in a pre-element and at last follows the style for the pygments-generated in-built code.

Integrating other static pages

As BSc physics student I got a userpage on the IT system of the physics institute, where I store some files. Furthermore I have an account at DESY, from where I also get a userpage. So I thought it would be nice to integrate both pages.

In the end I got it by defining a special header and footer in the .htaccess file for the Apache auto-generated directory index.

ReadmeName footer.html
HeaderName header.html
IndexStyleSheet style.css
IndexIgnore style.css footer.html header.html


More explanation are on the official Apache Module page given.

You might also want to look in my blog sources.

Generating pygments CSS files

I didn’t found it immediately in the internet, so I want to increase the pages containting the hint by 1.

If you want to create the CSS file, maybe with the look and feel of http://pastie.org, try this in your cmd to generate a complete “highlight.css”.

pygmentize -f html -a .highlight -S pastie > highlight.css

To get an overview over possible you have to execute this command:

pygmentize -L styles

Syntax highlighting is done via pygments, which bases on python. Is that really necessary?

  1. Ruby is the best language I’ve seen so far. So the new system had to be based on it. ↩︎