WikiStage aims to be a platform to share curiosity and knowledge using short video clips. I argument why you should not contribute to WikiStage in its current state.
Recently, the project WikiStage was brought to my attention. I had a closer
look in the meanwhile and I have to admit that I do not share the enthusiasm
about it. I write this article to explain my concerns and hope for a fruitful
Short summary: Do not consider WikiStage for contribution!
in Digitalisation on Big-data, Surveillance, Dat-protection, Start-up
While reading the latest disclosures of foreign companies and secret services following you on every web page you visit, you might have thought: “I go offline shopping at local retails and pay cash. You won’t get me!” Unfortunately the first start-ups are already on the way to follow you in the offline world and track you there as well.
According to an article of the German journal FAZ, the Code-N price for young start-ups at the computer exhibition Cebit was just awarded to Viewsy. They presented a software to adapt the tracking and analysing methods available for online retailers for local retailers.
Therefore, the unique MAC address is used which is broadcasted by every smartphone with activated wifi. This allows to identify visitors and measure their time spent in the store, reoccurring visits, etc. You don’t even have to buy something.
Duo Color is a template for the static website generator Middleman. It has been used for my blog until 2018.
I tried to clean up my Middleman template a little that I use for this blog.
This week-end I decided that it is sufficiently clean for a first release.
Of course, it is not perfect yet. There are still some bugs. However, it might
inspire people interested in blogging with middleman.
With your help, we could push this template further to provide a nicely balanced
starting point like it is Octopress (my prior choice) for the Jekyll community.
Attention! : Cettes fiches LaTeX marchent uniquement avec XeLaTeX ou LuaLaTex,
parce que j’utilise le package »fontspec« pour configurer la police de caractères
et cette package n’existe pas pour pdfLaTex. Mais en général, ça fait pas trop
de difference. Comme d’habitude LuaLaTeX est compris dans la distribution LaTeX.
Nach zwei letzten, phänomenalen Wochen in Mexiko bin ich am 30. Juli wieder sicher in Berlin gelandet. Durch diesen Vorausgriff nehme ich dem Folgenden vielleicht etwas die Spannung. Auf der anderen Seite würde ich andernfalls womöglich auch nicht schreiben. Was war also passiert? Reisen wir (natürlich nur in Gedanken) zurück nach Mexiko – in die Vergangenheit. Anno 2013. Wir schreiben den 17. Juli, morgens.